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21 Essential Tips to Ensure Your Baby's Safety at Home

From our Tampines Infant & Childcare, I will be sharing steps to protect the infant at home once he started crawling or walking.

1. Keep the baby from opening the cupboard.

This helps to prevent the baby from getting hurt or damaging things inside the cupboard.

2. Leave the chair blocked at the door.

This prevents the baby to go out of the door.

3. Cover the electrical outlets at home with tape.

4. Put a baby gate in the kitchen.

This helps to keep the baby out of the kitchen.

5. Use a hair tie to protect the toilet paper.

This prevents the baby to take toilet paper and make a mess on the floor of the toilet.

6. Cover sharp furniture edges with a blanket.

This prevents the baby to get hit or hurt.

7. Keep the dustbin firmly shut.

This prevents the baby to take things from the rubbish bin to eat or creating a mess.

8. Do not leave the baby unattended in the bath.

Turn the hot tap off first and then the cold one.

This prevents the baby from burning if he touches it.

Keep bath temperature for the baby to 37-38°C and for the newborn to 36°C.

9. Pop a protective cover on the bath spout.

This prevents the baby to hurt himself if he stumbles in the bath or touches it when it is hot.

10. Make sure there is a slip mat at the bottom of the bath.

This prevents the baby to fall and bump his head.

11. Remove all electrical appliances out of the bathroom while the baby is in there or store them in a cupboard that the baby is unable to reach.

12. Buy a window latch.

This prevents the baby from opening the window.

13. Make sure there are no chairs or objects the baby can climb onto nearby.

14. Buy a doorstop.

This will help hold the door open and prevent it from slamming shut.

15. Teach the baby to keep his fingers away from the hinge side of doors.

16. Lift any and all breakable objects up and well out of the baby’s reach.

17. Bolt TV to the wall.

This prevents the TV from falling on a child.

18. Attach bookcases and cupboards to the wall as these can topple over if your baby climbs on them.

19. Keep small objects, plastic bags etc out of the baby’s reach.

20. Do not show the baby how to unlock the door or latch.

This prevents the baby to learn and unlock the door or latch himself.

21. Remove pet care accessories such as dishes if you have a pet at home.

This prevents the baby to reach and eat it or drink it.

I hope all these steps will help you to protect the baby at home once he started crawling or walking.

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As one of the best childcare Tampines, Genesis Childcare 1989 provides a comfortable, clean, well-ventilated and conducive learning environment for your child to learn, explore, discover and be creative. Our Preschool Tampines have over 30 years of experience in caring for your beloved child. At our Tampines Childcare, we advocate that every child is unique and precious who needs to be loved and cherished.

As a leading early childhood centre in Singapore since 1989, we are committed to nurturing our early learners holistically through various learning areas and positive learning dispositions. We place a strong emphasis on the way our teachers facilitate and interact with the children.

Check out our Tampines childcare parent’s testimonials regarding the care that parents’ children have received at our Tampines childcare centre.

The children in our Tampines childcare get to learn English, Chinese, Maths, Science, Music and Movement, Arts, Outdoor Play and cookery lessons. Our Childcare Tampines also provides balanced and nutritious meals for the children and helps the children to cultivate healthy eating habits.

Our professional team of preschool teachers has a good understanding of child development and learning principles. We apply them efficiently and set the stage to create a meaningful learning experience that supports your child's discovery.

We consistently create a positive and cozy environment that will give your child a sense of security which builds their self-confidence to explore the world around them.

So if you are looking for a good preschool in Tampines or Tampines Playgroup near Tampines Central, do consider Genesis Childcare Tampines.

Located alongside our childcare in Tampines is our Nurture Infant House. If you are looking for Tampines infant care or infant care in Tampines, do visit Nurture Infant House. It is for infants aged 2 months to 18 months old. You can learn more about our infant care Tampines here.

Book a school tour now! Click here to read our Google reviews too!

Genesis Childcare 1989 (Playgroup to Kindergarten 2)

Blk 433 Tampines Street 43 #01-63/65 S(520433)

Nurture Infant House (2 to 18 months Infants)

Blk 433 Tampines Street 43 #01-61 S(520433)

Opening hours: Monday to Friday (7am to 7pm) & Saturday (7am to 2pm)

Public Bus services: 8 / 21 / 28 / 29 / 293

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