Each child is born with his or her own way of approaching the world. Some children are naturally more comfortable in new situations and jump right into interacting with others. On the other hand, some children are shy and slow to warm up.
As parents, some of us may feel impatient when our children are shy and uncomfortable in new situations. We want our children to thrive and do well in social situations. More importantly, we want our children to grow up making friends and having healthy social relationships. However, it is important that you do not stress or force your child!
Today, we explore the signs that signal that your child is shy as well as how you as a parent may support your shy child!
Signs That Your Children is Shy
To support your shy child, you first have to be able to identify a shy child. Here are some common signs that may signal that your child is shy and may be slow to warm up.
1) Your child may tend to cling to his or her caregiver, especially when it is time to part and say goodbye for a little while.
2) Your child only wants to be cuddled by only a few special, trusted people. They often cry when an unfamiliar person tries to carry them.
3) Your child commonly cries in social situations, or physically try to avoid social interaction by hiding his or her head, moving or turning away, or shutting his or her eyes to avoid eye contact.
4) Childcare students might refuse to talk when unfamiliar people try to speak to him or her. Instead, he or she might immediately stand and hide behind a parent to avoid interaction with unfamiliar people.
5) In social activities such as games with other children, he or she may avoid joining in and instead observe from a distance.
6) Your child is reluctant to try new things.
Supporting Your Shy Child
Look out for patterns
To understand and alter your child’s behaviours, it is important for you to observe and learn certain patterns in his or her behaviours.
To start the ball rolling, you may choose to ask yourself these questions:
1) Are there some settings at which your child is especially shy? Or is your child shy in all settings?
2) Is your child more cautious around certain people? Or is your child shy towards all?
3) Is your child more shy during certain times of the day?
4) Is your child only shy when there are certain activities involved that feature a lot of sounds and movements?
Structured play
Children who are shy often benefit from structured play and activities. Structured play acts as a stepping stone to help children transition to playing with others. Because structured play is often predictable, it can also help to make your child feel safe, secure, and confident—all of which are important to help them to open up to others!
Arrange play dates
Many shy kids feel more at ease when there is just one other person involved in an interaction. So, before bringing your child out on larger play groups, arrange one-to-one play dates to give your infant a chance to practice social interaction and social skills! Who knows, your child may find his or her first best friend!
At Genesis Childcare 1989, we believe that play is crucial in our children's social development! We have structured and unstructured play time in our curriculum, you are more than welcome to check it out at our childcare centre:)
Read to your child books about friendships
Stories are a great way to expose your child to experiences that may be new and unfamiliar to him or her. Sharing and reading stories about friendships, family and adventures can educate your child about the importance and value of friendship and the importance of opening up to others in order to foster these meaningful relationships!
Be patient
Change takes time. Instead of being impatient and expecting to see a change overnight, understand that change is gradual. With the right amount of effort and guidance, you will see that your infant will grow, develop, and learn. Take pride in their efforts and notice little changes. Be sure not to be stingy with your praises!
The Bottom-line
Keep in mind that shy behaviour is normal in babies and children.
Each child is special, with a unique way of seeing the world.
As such, some children are naturally more shy than others.
Follow the tips that were explored in this article to help to identify as well as support your shy child!
Genesis Childcare 1989 has more than 30 years of experience in caring and teaching your beloved children.
We believe our holistic education, play environment and friendly teachers can help your child to open up.
Click here to learn more about our childcare centre!
Feel free to WhatApp us for more enquiries.
Genesis Childcare 1989 (Tampines)
Blk 433, Tampines Street 43, #01-63 (S) 520433
Tel: +65 9666 4141
Genesis Childcare 1989 (Taman Jurong)
Blk 153, Yung Ho Road, #01-41 (S) 610153
Tel: +65 9666 4141
Nurture Infant House (Tampines)
(2 to 18 months Infants)
Blk 433, Tampines Street 43, #01-61 (S) 520433
Tel: +65 9666 4141
For parents living in the east of Singapore and are looking for a childcare in Tampines, Genesis Childcare Tampines has had 31 years of experience in caring for your little ones. It is definitely one of the leading Tampines childcare centres!
Similarly, for parents living in the east of Singapore and are looking for an infant care centre in Tampines or a Tampines preschool, Nurture Infant House is one of the leading Tampines infant care centres with more than a decade of experience in caring for your beloved children.