From our Tampines Infant & Childcare Centre, I will be sharing the Five Love Languages like Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service and Gifts.
A child’s emotional love tank must be filled before discipline or learning can occur. A child with a full love tank tends to be more well-adjusted, happy and resilient while a child with an empty love tank can be insecure, angry, inaccessible and immature.

Physical Touch
Physical Touch is a child’s basic need that has an impact on the emotional security of the child. Physical touch shouts, “I love you!” and the lack of it can shout, “I don’t love you!”
Show It In A Playroom

Sit close to the child
Pat the child’s back or shoulder
High-five the child
Hug and kiss the child
Show It Outside Of School
Stroke the child’s head
Hold the child on your lap
Hug and kiss the child
Tickle the child
Play physical games with the child together
Comb the child’s hair
Hug the child after applying discipline
Hold the child when the child is sick
Bath the child
Help the child wear clothes
Massage the child
Clues To Identifying When Physical Touch Is Needed
Ask for hugs
Like to cuddle
Like physical games or contact sports
Love back rubs
Like to hold hands
Words Of Affirmation
Words of Affirmation are a powerful way to communicate love to the child which nurtures the child’s inner sense of worth and security.
Show It In The Playroom

Tell the child reasons you are proud of the child
Write cards and notes to the child
Affirm the child’s actions
Show It Outside Of School

Write love notes to the child and put them in an encouragement jar
Write lunchbox notes for the child
Record feelings of love for the child to listen to when absent
Call the child each day when on a trip
Say “ I love you” to the child each day and every time you leave or end a call
Praise the child of actions done
Clues To Identifying When Words Of Affirmation Is Needed
Smile when being affirmed or praised
Share feelings
Seek verbal approval
Write notes or give cards to others
Overreact to criticism or harsh words.
Quality Time
Quality Time is to make time for the child and focus on the child.
It says, “You are important, I like being with you.” It lets the child feel loved and remembered.
Show It In The Playroom
Listen to the child
Laugh with the child
Sing songs together with the child
Share thoughts and feelings with the child and vice versa
Wait for the child
Follow the child’s lead
Do art with the child
Read the child a story
Play with the child
Show It Outside Of School
Plan a date with the child. For example, movies, concerts or a new activity
Camp with the child
Have family activities together
Have time for the child to talk and ask questions
Do chores with the child
Cook with the child
Let the child choose an activity
Look at the child’s baby photos or videos with him
Volunteer together or do something to help others in need
Workout with the child
Clues To Identifying Quality Time
Ask to spend time
Talk about fun times or events
Share ideas/feelings
Acts Of Service
Acts of Service is to do a service for the child’s needs.
Show It In The Playroom

Say thank you to the child
Repair a toy that the child likes
Give stickers to the child which the child likes
Remember what the child wants to do next time
Show It Outside Of School

Help the child to tie shoes
Feed the child daily
Show the child put a coin to the donation can
Cook a surprise meal with what the child likes
Clean the child’s room
Fold the child’s laundry
Help the child pursue his interests
Clues To Identifying Acts Of Service
Request you to fix something important
Seek your help with projects or homework
Feel happy when you surprise or treat them
Gifts are to give the child what the child needs, size and cost don’t matter to the child.
Show It In The Playroom

Make a card with a photo for the child
Ask the child to write down what the child likes to have during birthday etc
Show It Outside Of School

Treat the child with what the child likes
Choose the gift which the child likes
Give the child gifts before going away for a trip
Write a love letter or note to the child
Create a scrapbook or photo album of memories with the child
Clues To Identifying Gifts
Touched by gifts with appreciation
Keep or show off gifts
Focus on gifts at gifts exchange
I hope all these pointers will help you to recognise your child’s love language and your relationship with him/her will grow stronger than before.
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As one of the best childcare Tampines, Genesis Childcare 1989 provides a comfortable, clean, well-ventilated and conducive learning environment for your child to learn, explore, discover and be creative. Our Preschool Tampines have over 30 years of experience in caring for your beloved child. At our Tampines Childcare, we advocate that every child is unique and precious who needs to be loved and cherished.
As a leading early childhood centre in Singapore since 1989, we are committed to nurturing our early learners holistically through various learning areas and positive learning dispositions. We place a strong emphasis on the way our teachers facilitate and interact with the children.
Check out our Tampines childcare parent’s testimonials regarding the care that parents’ children have received at our Tampines childcare centre.
The children in our Tampines childcare get to learn English, Chinese, Maths, Science, Music and Movement, Arts, Outdoor Play and cookery lessons. Our Childcare Tampines also provides balanced and nutritious meals for the children and helps the children to cultivate healthy eating habits.
Our professional team of preschool teachers has a good understanding of child development and learning principles. We apply them efficiently and set the stage to create a meaningful learning experience that supports your child's discovery.
We consistently create a positive and cozy environment that will give your child a sense of security which builds their self-confidence to explore the world around them.
So if you are looking for a good preschool in Tampines or Tampines Playgroup near Tampines Central, do consider Genesis Childcare Tampines.
Located alongside our childcare in Tampines is our Nurture Infant House. If you are looking for Tampines infant care or infant care in Tampines, do visit Nurture Infant House. It is for infants aged 2 months to 18 months old. You can learn more about our infant care Tampines here.
Genesis Childcare 1989 (Playgroup to Kindergarten 2)
Blk 433 Tampines Street 43 #01-63/65 S(520433)
Nurture Infant House (2 to 18 months Infants)
Blk 433 Tampines Street 43 #01-61 S(520433)
Opening hours: Monday to Friday (7am to 7pm) & Saturday (7am to 2pm)
Public Bus services: 8 / 21 / 28 / 29 / 293
Tel: 96664141